Your Daily Petal...

I seriously never tire of Dahlia's. There are so many varieties, shapes, petal formations and colours to delve in to... I could probably do a 'Dahlia a Day' series without too much trouble!

Anway, this was day 17: #yourdailypetal

Nice to work on something with lots of red, as it's not my usual palette... love it here though with hot pink and apricot.


Your Daily Petal...

This one - a Japanese ranunculus (originally shared by the wonderfully talented Amy Merrick) - is my favourite so far. I SO, so enjoyed playing with the rhubarb and custard tones of the petals, the crinkles, the beautiful centre - all the detail. This is the kind of flower that makes you all misty eyed, and pushes you down the path of marvelling at the mysteries of the universe, asking yourself 'is there a God?' (how can there not be when something is this amazing?!), etc... it's THAT special.

Hope you think so, too.

#day 15: #yourdailypetal